A. Enter His presence with thanksgiving and praise
- Our Father who art in heaven (Luke 11:2-4, Matt 6:5-15)
- Access the Father (Gal 4:4-7) by the blood (Rev 1:5-6, 1 Pet 1:18-19)
B. Avail of Jesus’ High Priestly Ministry
- Hallowed be thy Name. “Jesus” ( Hebrews 7:25-28, Php 2:9-11 )
- Ability (Acts 4:7-10; Acts 3:16)
- Power/Authority (Mat 28:18-20, Mar 16:17-20, Acts 4:12)
- In Prayer (Joh 16:23-24)
- In Ministry (Joh 14:12-14; Mat 10:1-8)
- Redemptive Names of God -fulfilled in Christ, through the atonement
- [Ezk 48:35] JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH = “I AM THE LORD who is there”.
- (Mat 28:20) (1 Cor 6:19-20) (1 Jn 4:4)
- [Jud 6:24] JEHOVAH-SHALOM = “I AM THE LORD our Peace”
- Peace w/ God (Rom 5:1-2,11) (Eph 2:11-19)
- Peace of God (Php 4:6-9) (Col 3:15-17)
- [Ps 23:1] JEHOVAH-RA-AH = “I AM/ the LORD your Shepherd”
- (Joh 10:3-5, 10-16)(Heb 13:20) (1 Pet 2:25)
- [Gen 22:13-14] JEHOVAH- JIREH = “I AM THE LORD your Provider”
- (Php 4:19)(Mat 6:25-34) (3 Joh 2)
- [Ex 17:15] JEHOVAH- NISSI = “I AM THE LORD your Banner/Victor/Captain”
- (Col 2:12-15) (Rom 8:35-39) (1 Jn 5:4)
- [Jer 23:5-6] JAHOVAH-TSIDKENU = “I AM THE LORD your Righteousness”
- (Rom 5:17-21) (2 Cor 5:21)
- [Ex 15:26] JEHOVAH-RAPHA = “I AM THE LORD your Physician/that heals you”
- (Is 53:4-5, Mt 8:17, 1 Pet 2:24) (Gal 3:13, Deut 28:60-61) (Rom 8:11) (2 Cor 4:10-11, Ex 23:25-26)
- [Ezk 48:35] JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH = “I AM THE LORD who is there”.
C. Establish Your Priorities
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done
- Key Areas of God’s Will
- Myself
- Spouse ( Col 4:12) (Phil 1:6, 2;13) (Heb 13:20-21)
- Marriage (Eph 5:22-23) (1 Pet 3:1-7)
- Children (Pr 22:6) (2 Tim 3:14-15)
- Family/relatives (Eph 1:17-23)
- The World/Revival (Zech 10:1; Ja 5:7)
D. Exercise my faith for my needs (Deut 8:18)
Give us this day our daily bread
- Know & Be convinced of God’s Prosperity for us
- (Ps 112:1-3) (3 Jn 2) (Col 3:24) (2 Co 8:9) (Phil 4:10-19)
- Be sure I am in God’s will by obedience (Matt 6:33)
- Serve in the Church (Rom 12:3-8)
- Tithe (Mal 3:8-11)
- Give Offerings (Lu 6:38, Mk 10:29-30)
- Help others (Eph 4:28)
- Claim Specifically what I want (Mk 10:51) (Mt 7:7-11)
- Be tenacious – Don’t accept defeat (Ps 23:1) (Ps 24:8-10) (Jn 16:23-24)
E. Establish a Victory consciousness
He has “delivered us from evil” (Col 1:13)
- Delivered from God’s Wrath (1 Thes 5:9)
- Delivered from Temptation (Rev 3:10-11)
F. Close with glorifying God
For thine is the Kingdom, the Power & the glory, Forever (Is 42:8)
But he has given it to us (Lu 12:32) (Acts 1:8) (Jn 12:22)