Victorious Living Christian Center



Thank you for joining us in the wonderful experience of knowing God together in community!

Teaching you how to

live and walk Victoriously

here on the earth

in this life

God is Good!

The personable, transparent, and relatable fellowship and ministry of VLCC leadership, members, and move of the Spirit of God will help you to know the Love of God and of Care of our local church.

We welcome visitors, Sundays 10 AM in our Titusville, FL church to encounter the faithfulness of our God in His holy written word and presence that changes lives. Instead of religion, come experience the reality of God!

Victorious Living Christian Titusville, Florida Pastor John Jenkins

Victorious Living is a Word of Faith Church, and a member of the Association of Faith Churches and Ministers.

Victorious Living is an Interdenominational church. We believe in the sure, certain and trustworthy doctrine which results in a steadfast and productive faith can only be based in the knowledge of the written Word, the Holy Bible.

We have a confession that we share the proclaims our belief and reliance on the Bible, the Word of God.
(Scriptures that give us a basis for this confession are noted.)

Thank You Father for Your Word (Phillippians 4:4-6)
Your Word is life to me and health to all my flesh (Prov 4:22)
Your Word never fails (Luke 16:17)
I am all that Your Word says I am (2 Corinthians 5:17)
I can have all Your Word says I can have (Mark 11:24)
I can do all Your Word says I can do (Ephesians 2:10)
Because ALL things are possible to him that believes (Mark 9:23)

Our confession is more than positive, it is Bible based.

And This Is the Victory That Overcomes the World –        Our Faith.   

1 John 5:4